The shape of the diamond is often confused with the cut.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
N – R – Diamonds with a brown or yellow tint and are comparatively less expensive than the above range, named as “very light color”.
S – Z – Prominent brown color; can be used as colored diamonds alone or rejection amongst colorless ones. Widely called “ light color”.
Diamonds are not always as white as they look to the untrained eye. However, just the lack of color makes diamonds more expensive, too much color can also make it priceless and rare. Most diamonds exhibit a yellow or brown tinge, a completely colorless variety will allow more light to pass through it emitting maximum brilliance. The diamond is shaped like a prism and acts in the same way, and so color in a diamond diminishes the fire by acting as a filter. A colorless diamond will emit a spectrum of colors.
Like all things natural, diamonds too are flawed. Diamonds like all other minerals and gemstones are born with several inclusions that develop during its formation. Although almost invisible to the naked eye, inclusions do decide a diamond price. Internal characteristics are known as inclusions while external characteristics are known as blemishes all of which are mostly visible through a 10X loupe. List of diamond inclusions include, cloud, feather, needle, pinpoint, crystals, twinning wisps, whereas bruise, chip, cavity, cleavage and knot appear on the surface of the stone.
The cut refers to the symmetry and proportion of the facts of a diamond; how well the diamond is cut determines the diamond’s ability to reflect and refract light. The perfect diamond has a Table percentage of 53% to 57% and a Pavilion depth of about 43%. The thickness of the Girdle and Culet are two very important determinants of the ideal cut, the culet should be nothing more than a fine dot and the girdle neither too thick nor too thin. The facets on the crown and pavilion if cut a few degrees out of alignment can dull the brilliance of a diamond and render it inferior or of low grade.
- The diamond, which has an even pattern of bright and dark areas, scores in the top category for all grade-setting determinants.
- Although its proportions are different from the diamond in the first example, this diamond also has an even pattern of bright and dark areas and scores in the top category for all grade-setting determinants.
- This diamond also scores in the top category for all grade-setting determinants.
- This diamond’s grade is determined by brightness, scintillation, and polish. Although no individual proportions would necessarily cause its brightness or scintillation to perform poorly, the combination of this particular set of proportions leads to increased darkness in the pavilion mains.
- This diamond’s grade is determined by its fire, scintillation, and weight ratio. It has a “splintery” pattern, most likely caused by a higher crown height with a somewhat steeper crown angle, accompanied by a long lower-girdle facets.
- This diamond’s grade is determined by its brightness, scintillation, and finish. There is a slight darkening within the table and along the upper-girdle facets.
- This diamond’s grade is limited by its scintillation. In this case, the somewhat shallow pavilion angle produces dark pavilion mains.
- This diamond’s grade is determined by its fire, scintillation, and weight ratio. A somewhat steep crown angle, combined with a slightly steep pavilion and this total depth, leads to a diamond that displays a slightly dark ring within the table edge, as well as somewhat dark upper-girdle facets.
- This diamond’s grade is limited by its scintillation. The shallow crown angle and low crown height lead to a face-up appearance with a lack of contrast in its pattern and localized darkness (especially in the table area).
- This diamond’s grade is limited by its scintillation. The combination of a shallow crown angle and a somewhat shallow pavilion angle leads to a face-up appearance with a lack of contrast and general darkness.
- This diamond’s grade is determined by its fire, scintillation, and weight ratio. A slightly steep crown angle, combined with a steep pavilion angle and large total depth, causes this diamond to display general darkness in the table area and a very dark upper-girdle area.
- This diamond’s grade is limited by its brightness and scintillation. The large table and a somewhat shallow crown height, with this pavilion angle, cause a general darkness in this diamond, along with a slight fisheye that becomes more evident when the diamond is tilted.
- This diamond’s grade is limited by its weight ratio. Although most of the proportions for this diamond are fairly standard, the extremely thick girdle greatly increases the total depth. Therefore, this diamond’s diameter is much smaller than its carat weight would indicate.
- This diamond’s grade is limited by its fire and scintillation. This slightly steep crown angle, very steep pavilion angle, and large total depth all cause this diamond to have a very dark table area, along with a very dark upper-girdle areas.
- This diamond’s grade is also limited by its weight ratio. The somewhat steep crown angle, slightly steep pavilion angle, and very thick girdle greatly increase the total depth. Therefore, this diamond’s diameter is much smaller than its carat weight would indicate.